How to dress in Pregnancy

This post has emerged thanks to a friend who is now pregnant, I was very distressed and did not know how to dress so he asked me to write and dedicate a post to this topic, giving ideas on how to dress in different stages of pregnancy. How I have loved the idea here and had never addressed this issue.

Being pregnant is a very important stage in the life of a woman and a unique moment, in which our body is gradually changing and transforming our body so it is very important to find ourselves well and comfortable with the clothes we choose to wear. The outfits can change our mood and can make us feel more or less special, beautiful and even sexy. So itĀ“s important to choose well.

ā™„ļøFor this we can choose many different options for our day to day, the first thing to keep in mind will be a material that is elastic, so that when we stop being pregnant, we can continue to use it and not have to spend more money on the account. You will also have to go around your wardrobe, sure there are a lot of clothes that you can adapt to your current state.


ā™„ļøFor this we can use elastic dresses, skirts, pants and shirts, as you see in the outfits.

ā™„ļøThe midi, short and even long flowing dresses are an ideal option for day-to-day or wedding celebrations, christenings ....


ā™„ļøElastic cuffs are also ideal for the first months of pregnancy.

ā™„ļøThe elastic cotton we can choose in oversize basic shirts and leggings will make 
you feel very comfortable.


ā™„ļøDo not give up the cowboy or the leather, there are many clothes adapted to the pregnant woman with elastane, you do not have to give up your own style.


ā™„ļøOversizes shirts, vests and kimonos will help you to stylize and cover your
tummy a bit, you will not always have to wear it.

ā™„ļøThe long and vaporous skirts you will be able to put them above the tummy, just like the maxis dresses will stylize you and they will be a perfect option to look spectacularly beautiful.

 If you are pregnant or you are moms I am going to recommend a web page where you can find reliable information, practical advice and interesting stories for you, your babies and family, it is called Checkpregnancy and it is the most complete.

I have found a lot of interesting articles but these two are great and of my favorites:

Espero que os haya gustado!!
Feliz dĆ­a!!

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23 comentarios:

  1. Ā”No hay porque renunciar a nuestro estilo por estar embarazadas!
    Un post muy completo e interesante.

  2. Geniales todos esos outfit. Un besote

  3. Uy geniales consejos. Te mando un beso

  4. Estupendo post! feliz domingo!šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š

  5. Estupendo post! feliz domingo!šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š

  6. Has hecho una selecciĆ³n maravillosas , estĆ”n todas guapĆ­simas y yo te espero en mi nuevo post

  7. Me encantan todos los modelos, estƔn todas guapƭsimas!! es una de las etapas mƔs bonitas de la vida, es la felicidad tanto interior como exterior, se nota que estamos en lo mejor de lo mejor, super-radiantes!! Un besito gordito

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  9. Me encanta la selecciĆ³n que has hecho.

  10. Muy interesante para quienes tienen la misma inquietud en Ć©stos casos. Besos.

  11. Pues genial, le pasarƩ el post a mi hermana que tambiƩn estƔ embarazada ;)
    Un besazo.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  13. Queda claro que se puede vestir con mucho estilo estando embarazada. Genial recopilaciĆ³n e inspiraciĆ³n!

  14. Estan muy guapas con todos, pero yo encuentro que el peto y los pantalones siguientes parecen comodĆ­simos :D

  15. Hoola guapa !!!
    Un post muy muy interesante, y los looks una pasada, me han gustado todos... yo espero que en su dĆ­a pueda ponerme algĆŗn look de estos y verme bien.
    Muuacks !!!

  16. debe ser complicado vestir con el "problema" de la barriga, si a veces nos cuesta sin estar embarazadas y no sabemos que ponernos jajaja. unas propuestas preciosas.

    un beso tesoro

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  19. Hermosos y se ven cĆ³modos.

  20. Hermosos y se ven cĆ³modos.

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  22. Genial el post!!!, un besazo bonita.

  23. Afortunadamente esto se fuƩ a la historia para mƭ, jajaja...Ahora os toca a vosotras.
    Besos guapa


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